1st of December at 20h in Cines Maldà, C/ Pi 5, Barcelona (Spain)

"Welcome to Belfast" will be screened in the program "This is the girl. Sobre decidir, si podemos decidir" curated by Martí Manen for the series "Videoarte en la Gran Pantalla" of HAMACA, distributor of video art and media art in Spain. The program will include works by Dora García, Sra. Polaroiska, Leon Siminiani, Virginia Villaplana, Jorge Satorre and Julia Montilla.

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A 24 Hour a Day Revolution will be exhibited at Mutual matters - a project by Kim Einarsson, Petra Bauer and Marius Dybwad-Brandrud.

Konsthall C, Stockholm, Sweden. 2.11 2011—28.2 2012

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The Social Experiment is a collaboration between artists Klaas van Gorkum, Iratxe Jaio, Wouter Osterholt, Jonas Staal and Elke Uitentuis. In October 2011 they will organise a training in self-protection for artists. During three days a select group of participants, comprising of students, teachers, artists and other interested parties, will work on improving their resilience.

Under the guidance of two instructors from the police academy they will be trained in interrogation techniques (questioning and being examined) as well as how to deal with violence (indexing of violent situations and regulating or breaking up such situations). Through screenings, debates and relevant literature, participants will also be stimulated to apply this knowledge within their own practices.

The training takes place from 15 to 17 October. From day one, participants will follow a collective program, and will eat and sleep together in blockhuts that have been hired for this purpose. The program is free of charge, but needs to be followed in its entirety.

For more information: sociaalexperiment.com

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From 19 June to 11 September 2011 the video "Langs de Lijn" we made for Jeanne van Heeswijk, will be exhibited in her retrospective at the Chabot Museum in Rotterdam.

The exhibition includes works Jeanne made in collaboration with: Mindaugas Arlinskas, Yun Bao, inhabitants Werthacker, Frank de Bruijn, Maurits de Bruijn, Benny Busborg, Yane Calvoski, Linas Citvaras, Floor Cornelisse, Rolf Engelen, Klaas van Gorkum, Ali Al Harbi, Iratxe Jaio, Huda Al Kazwine, Thijs Kelder, Wenying Liao, François Lombarts, Marcel van der Meijs, Jeroen Musch, Sonya Schönberger, Pia Sigmund, Paul Sixta, employees SUS, Roger Teeuwen, Siebe Thissen, Joke Tjalsma, Pieter Vandermeer, Frans Vermeer, Anique Weve and Marten Winters.

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En última instancia, la obra consiste precisamente en la iluminación y el cuestionamiento de una serie de procesos productivos, y no en la glorificación del resultado concreto de tales procesos. Frente a la estetización de lo político que esto supondría, Jaio y van Gorkum proponen una politización de lo estético, que no discurre por el fácil camino de la soflama ideológica, sino a través de una reflexión crítica sobre las condiciones de la propia actividad. Revelan así una vía fructífera para deslindar el arte de la lógica espectacular y fantasmagórica de la mercancía. Pocos empeños parecen más necesarios en la situación actual del mundo del arte.

- Jaime Cuenca sobre Klaas van Gorkum e Iratxe Jaio en el Laboratorio 987 del MUSAC, León
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Between April 2010 and January 2011 we have been writing a monthly article on poltics, art and culture, for Mugalari, the cultural supplement of Basque newspaper Gara. A selection of articles can now be read online, at our new website: http://postpolitikak.org:

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30 october - 27 february, SMAK and the Museum of Fine Art in Ghent

A video of the project "Stay inside. Close windows and doors" has been selected for the exhibition Hareng Saur: Ensor and contemprary art, to be shown in Contemporary Art Museum SMAK in Ghent.

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A project around the changing values of labour and property, examining the notion of artistic production through the resurrection of the woodturning hobby of a retired factory worker (Klaas' late grandfather).
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De studiereis van het Fonds BKVB met als titel What’s up, what’s down. Cultural catalysts in Urban Space heeft tot doel de stedelijke transformaties van de afgelopen decennia in een aantal secondary cities in Europa te onderzoeken. De reis (van 1 t/m 17 oktober 2010) zal leiden naar de Balkan (Skopje, Prishtina, Tirana), Marseille, vervolgens naar Noord- Engeland (Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool) en de Baskische regio (Bilbao en Vitoria-Gasteiz).

Van het Baskische gedeelte namen wij de begeleiding op ons. Lees hieronder het programma dat we voor de deelnemers hebben samen gesteld:

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Desde aquí hasta ahí 15 - 17 october 2010, at 10 jahre Westendstudios in Munich
Monitoring the Dordtselaan for Maximum Peace of Mind 09 october - 13 november 2010 at Florida II, Gemaal op Zuid, Rotterdam
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