Fragmentos de autenticidad La Taller, hasta el 4 de mayoNo es habitual que las propuestas que surgen del mundo del arte contemporáneo encuentren repercusión en un público más amplio. Muy a menudo son producidas y consumidas en el seno de un pequeño colectivo de entendidos y se mantienen decorosamente al margen de cualquier debate que exhiba verdadera vida. Este que nos...
Date published: 10/04/2018
Published in: Periódico Bilbao
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Una exposición ¿imposible? Antes del encuentro "La solicitud de prestamo - Proklama 8" organizado en colaboración con Azala Espazio Kreazioa y Artium, Centro Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, se han publicado varios artículos en la prensa. (Correo, Berria y Noticias de Álava)
Date published: 13/10/2016
Published in: El Correo, Diario de Noticias de Álava, Berria
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Entrevista en 7K Nacida en Markina-Xemein (Bizkaia) una y en Delft (Países Bajos) el otro, Iratxe Jaio y Klaas van Gorkum son una pareja de artistas visuales que llevan más de diez años trabajando juntos en Rotterdam. Como compañeros procedentes de tan diferente entorno geográfico y social, comparten entre ellos un sentido de dislocación y un especial interés en...
Date published: 23/11/2014
Published in: 7K, suplemento del periódico Gara
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Open! publica Un ensayo de interpretaciones inadecuadas The lawyer often compared the justice system to theatre. He understood that there was a performative logic to the nature of law, which was the result of the fundamental indeterminacy of legal discourses. It allowed him to transform a political trial from a mere instrument of power into a cultural artefact that was capable of provoking a public...
Date published: 14/11/2014
Published in: Open, Platform for Art, Culture and the Public Domain
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Avelino Sala sobre 'Los márgenes de la fábrica', en A*DESK "Las obras remarcan la vida (política) del objeto como material valorable en la comunidad a través del trabajo acumulado para su realización. En un capitalismo feroz que nos arrastra a todos como en una riada, proyectos como este devienen asideros donde agarrarse, esperanzas desde los márgenes." - Una reseña de Avelino Sala sobre la exposición en...
Date published: 17/05/2014
Published in: A*DESK Highlights
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Artforum Critic's Pick by Miguel Amado "The margins of the factory" is featured as a Critic's Pick in Artforum.
The practice of Rotterdam-based artists Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum explores social transformation in the West brought forth by late capitalism. In their latest exhibition, organized by the independent curatorial group Latitudes, they examine the “image” of labor that...
Date published: 03/04/2014
Published in: Artforum
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Antropología del trabajo - El Cultural David G. Torres habla sobre "Los Márgenes de la Fábrica" comisariado por Latitudes en ADN Platform."Con el título genérico de Los márgenes de la fábrica los artistas presentan dos proyectos complementarios en los que insisten en desarrollar unas propuestas que tienen mucho de estudio sociológico, búsqueda de los propios orígenes y arqueología del...
Date published: 07/03/2014
Published in: El Cultural de El Mundo
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Frieze Focus Interview: The image of work and the relation between art and labour Max Andrews from Latitudes interviews us for the Frieze Magazine, about recent projects such as "Work in progress" and "Producing time in between other things".
"We have a long-standing interest in the image of ‘work’, and in the relation between art and labour. So we took this scene as the starting point for a cinematic analysis of production...
Date published: 07/09/2013
Published in: Frieze Magazine
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Work at the margins Jaime Cuenca wrote about "Work in progress" and "Producing time in between other things" for the catalog, published by Sala Rekalde, that came out on occasion of our solo exhibition curated by Alex Baurés at FRAC Aquitaine.
A veiled reference to the language of the ready-made shines through here, which is subverted at the same time that it is...
Date published: 22/02/2013
Published in: Réinventer le monde - Catalog published by Sala Rekalde Erakustaretoa
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Wrong choices “It is a privilege to perform this transfer of sovereignty in the face of history, or rather: in the presence of God, who alone knows why this union in freedom was not achieved earlier nor later, and who knows of the generations' failures, but who also sees how we may serve the plan for the progress of mankind."
Date published: 05/05/2012
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Afterall - Artists at Work: Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum In this interview with Afterall's Paula Barriobero, Jaio and van Gorkum discuss notions of communities, social and activist practices and some of their projects, as well as their recent experiences at Occupy Amsterdam.
Date published: 08/02/2012
Published in: Afterall Online
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Complicities. Conversation between Leire Vergara, Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum Leire Vergara talks to Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum about artistic practice, notions of participation and democratic institutions. An excerpt from the publication Complicidades = Konplizitateak = Complicities
Date published: 05/02/2012
Published in: Complicidades = Konplizitateak = Complicities
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Metaphorical Zombies and Functional Activists. For Interpretative Sophistication at the Intersection between Social and Aesthetic Practices A text by Iñaki Martínez de Albéniz and Gabriel Villota Toyos, from Complicidades = Konplizitateak = ComplicitiesThe idea that we will be defending here is that certain contemporary artistic practices, indebted to the conceptual, post-conceptual and/or relational practices of recent times, are loaded with a series of tensions that point towards an...
Date published: 05/02/2012
Published in: Complicidades = Konplizitateak = Complicities
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Het Democratisch Experiment
'De hoorzittingen zijn een vergrootglas op het proces van democratisering. Je legt alles bloot, ook de pijnpunten. De Occupy’ers zijn positief over de gesprekken. Het heeft ook een therapeutische functie: mensen zijn moe en wij luisteren naar ze.' Uiteindelijk willen de kunstenaars een compilatie maken van de twintig gesprekken en die op internet...
Date published: 14/12/2011
Published in: Vrij Nederland
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Trouw - Het protestkamp als een zich ontwikkelend kunstwerk Vijf kunstenaars zijn sinds midden oktober gehuisvest in een grote tent in het Amsterdamse Occupy-kamp. Niet om hun werk te presenteren, maar om te onderzoeken wat kunst kan bijdragen aan de Occupy-beweging. - Milo Lambers
Date published: 07/12/2011
Published in: Trouw
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