woensdag, 29 mei, 2019 - 14:11
How can the unofficial history of a forgotten slab of stone with the names of three Nazi soldiers help us rethink the role contemporary art practices can play in relation to contested heritage?
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maandag, 20 mei, 2019 - 09:49
Los artistas Iratxe Jaio y Klaas van Gorkum presentarán el libro “400m” en una conversación con el comisario David Armengol. Tendrá lugar el 4 de junio a las 18:30 en la Llibreria La Canibal de Barcelona.
400m es la distancia entre el museo de arqueología y el museo de arte contemporáneo de Vitoria-Gasteiz, en el País Vasco. Es también el título del libro de Jaio y van Gorkum sobre la polémica generada entorno al hallazgo arqueológico de los óstraca de Iruña-Veleia: cientos de fragmentos de cerámica romana inscritos con dibujos, textos en latín y lo que parecían ser las evidencias escritas en euskera más antiguas encontradas hasta el momento. Sin embargo, nada más hacerse público el hallazgo saltó controversia cuando una comisión de expertos puso en duda su autenticidad.
“400m” ofrece una reflexión sobre la cuestión más allá de la dicotomía entre falso-auténtico y partiendo de una aparentemente simple propuesta: la de exponer los contestados artefactos en un museo de arte contemporáneo.
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donderdag, 6 december, 2018 - 20:10
On the 14th of December we will present "400m" in PrintRoom, Rotterdam. The book provides artistic and sociological reflections on the relation between power and knowledge within the context of the controversy over an alleged forgery of Basque engravings in shards of Roman Era pottery.
It is a double presentation, with designer Richard Niessen who will present his book "The Palace of Typographic Masonry". We will start at 19:00. You are all invited!
"400m" was made thanks to Azala Kreazio Espazioa, Artium, Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo, Jan van Eyck Academie, NEARCH, CBK Rotterdam and Eremuak.
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woensdag, 17 oktober, 2018 - 12:07
At Tabakalera in San Sebastian we will talk about the adventures and misfortunes of a stone that once stood quietly and forgotten by the side of a lonely country road, and into which were carved the names of three German soldiers who belonged to the Luftwaffe's Condor Legion, famous for their mass terror bombing raids on the civilian population of Guernica and Durango.
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zaterdag, 7 april, 2018 - 12:57
21 april – 17 juni 2018
Museum Het Valkhof, Kelfkensbos 59, 6511 TB Nijmegen NL
Opening: zaterdag 21.4.2017, 15:30
Openingstijden: Di - Zo, 11:00 - 17:00
Hoe bepaal je wat een schat is of een prul? Wat telt als archeologie en wat als gewoon een scherf? Moet er duizend jaar verstrijken, of kun je ook archeoloog zijn van je eigen tijd? En wie bepaalt dat eigenlijk? Deze en meer vragen zijn uitgangspunt voor de presentatie Weggegooide tijd, een tentoonstelling in de patio van Museum Het Valkhof. In het kader van het plugin-programma in het Duitse Schloß Ringenberg hebben de jonge curatoren Thorsten Schneider en Adelheid Smit een aantal kunstenaars uitgenodigd op zoek te gaan naar verborgen sporen van de tijd. Iratxe Jaio en Klaas van Gorkum, Matthias Schamp en Domas van Wijk nemen de archeologische verzameling van Museum Het Valkhof als uitgangspunt om op speelse wijze uit te zoeken hoe we tegen oude en nieuwe voorwerpen aankijken en hoe we de betekenis van deze objecten bepalen.
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zaterdag, 7 april, 2018 - 11:39
From 02/03/2018 to 26/08/2018
Our installation “Work in progress” is being acquired by the Museum Artium of Álava, Basque Country, and will be displayed in the exhibition "Artres. The museum as it should be".
Curated by: Daniel Castillejo
Artists: Ángeles Agrela, Elena Aitzkoa, Juncal Ballestín, Zigor Barayazarra, Cabello/Carceller, June Crespo, María Luisa Fernández, Miriam Isasi, Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum, Concha Jerez, Aníbal López, Liliana Porter, Mabi Revuelta, María Ribot, Ixone Sádaba, Montserrat Soto, Eulalia Valldosera.
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woensdag, 21 februari, 2018 - 10:52
400m Booklaunch at Anti Liburudenda and exhibition opening at Galeria La Taller
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maandag, 2 oktober, 2017 - 12:45
On Saturday October the 14th 2017, at 12:00, the artists Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum are organising a round-table discussion at the Conde Duque Cultural Center in Madrid, with archaeologists, anthropologists, historians and journalists, about the problems caused by the lack of a common historical narrative on the Spanish Civil War and Franco's dictatorship.
The discussion will revolve around a specific case study: the procedures that are applied to the remains of 13 anonymous soldiers from the Spanish Civil War, encountered during archaeological excavations in Guadalajara between 2012 and 2013.
Should they be buried in individual and distinct graves? What epitaph should be applied to the unidentified remains? What kind of ceremony would be appropriate, today? By sharing these questions with the public, the artists hope to trigger a necessary debate on the place of this part of history in a democratic and contemporary society.
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dinsdag, 22 augustus, 2017 - 23:01
On the ostraca of Iruña-Veleia, and the path that leads from archaeology to contemporary art.
400m is the distance between the museum of archaeology and the museum of contemporary art in Vitoria-Gasteiz, in Basque Country. It is also the title of our new book on the controversy surrounding the archaeological discovery of the "ostraca" from Iruña-Veleia: Roman potsherds with engravings of images, texts in Latin and what appeared to be the earliest written manifestation of the Basque language, which were deemed a forgery by a select commission of academic experts.
The book will be presented for the first time at the exhibition "The Materiality of the Invisible" in the Van Eyck Academy, and will be for sale during the annual convention of the European Association of Archaeologists taking place in Maastricht from 30 August to 3 September.
With texts by Iñaki Martínez de Albéniz, Harkaitz Cano, Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum.
Printed with a mimeograph at the Charles Nypels Lab in the Van Eyck Multiform institute for fine art, design and reflection.
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