Expanding the frame

Expanding the Frame is a self-initiated exhibition by the Ackersdijkstraat 20 studio complex to celebrate the start of summer and the lifting of the corona restrictions. Cinema is the red thread that will run through the great diversity of artistic practices in the studio complex during this event. The artists and some specially invited guests will present their work using cinematographic elements such as time, movement, narration, light, sound or scenography. The exhibition is free to visit on the 3rd and 4th of July 2021.

Raph de Haas, for example, shows visual interpretations of stories from old notarial deeds of the Rotterdam City Archives, which he made together with theater producer Peter Sonneveld. Arlette Boerlage will make an installation with the models and puppets used in her stop motion films. Mirjam Somers is the guest in Katrijn Verstegen's studio. They both will select and show a work and examine the relationship between the two. Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum will present work by the Basque filmmaker Jose Mari Zabala. Michael Bom will show the experiments with light he has developed during the last few months. Geert Mul, Chantal van Heeswijk and Robert Stroomberg will make audiovisual interventions in the building. There will also be work by the late artist Jeroen Bodewits.

The exhibition is free to visit on the 3rd and 4th of July. Those interested can also sign up for a personal tour in the building with art specialist Marie Dicker. She will tailor each route to the specific wishes and interests of visitors, and will give background information on the work of the artists. You can register for a tour via the website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/open-ateliers-ackersdijkstraat-20-2021-tickets-157216116637

With the closure of art spaces and museums, the opportunities for most artists to present their work publicly have also diminished. That’s why artists in Ackersdijkstraat 20 decided to make the most of the resources within their reach, such as their studios. The result is Expanding the Frame, a way to celebrate the start of summer, when we can finally get back together.

Participants:Boris Pas, Chantal van Heeswijk, Geert Mul, Iratxe Jaio + Klaas van Gorkum, Jasmijn Endenburg, Jolanda Linssen, Katrijn Verstegen, Lucie Havel, Marion Daniëls, Michael Bom, Rabin Huissen, Raph de Haas, Robert Stroomberg, Van Santen & Bolleurs, Sasja Hagens, Sigmund de Jong, Studio Arletti, UDID – Judith Jansen, Yu Kuramoto. Gastkunstenaars: Antoinet Deurloo, Eli de Haas, Erik Visser, Jose Mari Zabala en Mirjam Somers.

Guided tours: Marie Dicker

Organization: Iratxe Jaio, Michael Bom and Katrijn Verstegen.

More information:

3 July - 4 July 2021, 11:00 – 18:00
Address: Ackersdijkstraat 20, 3037 VH Rotterdam