In september we will be participating in the Entre Nous Basiskamp, an investigative project related to the welfare state. A military style camp will be the setting for a number of activities, debates and presentations tackling subjects such as democracy, labour, education, poverty and (health) care. Several artists have been selected from each province, to live and work for one month in and from the camp.
Basiskamp Entre Nous has been organised by Edwin Stolk in collaboration with Stichting KiK (Kunst in Kolderveen) as a tribute to the historical colonies of the "Society of Humanitarianism" (Maatschappij van Weldadigheid), a Dutch private organization set up in 1818 by general Johannes van den Bosch to help poor families, mostly from the big cities, improve their lot in the aftermath of the Napoleonic French occupation by granting them farming land.